: البريد الإلكتروني

نبذه عن جمشيد

الصفر والفاصلة العشرية، لولاهما لما تطورت الرياضيات، ولولاهما لما اخترعت الحاسبات والكمبيوترات، ولولاهما لما تطورت الحضارة الحديثة!! أما الصفر فأدخله إلى مجموعة الأعداد الطبيعية العلامة الكبير (الخوارزمي)، وأما الفاصلة العشرية فابتكرها عالم الرياضيات الأبرز في القرن التاسع الهجري (جمشيد بين مسعود الكاشي) الملقب بـ (غيّاث الدين)، والذي يصفه البعض بكونه المخترع الحقيقي للآلة الحاسبة. وباعتبارها أحدى الشركات الرائدة في الأردن والمنطقة في مجال الحلول الرقمية وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، فقد حرصت شركة (COMSOFT) منذ انطلاقها عام 1992 على تخليد هذه الانجازات العظيمة من خلال إطلاق اسم (جمشيد) على سلسلة البرمجيات المحوسبة الحديثة التي تتميز الشركة بتطويرها، وفي مقدمتها نظام (جمشيد) للإدارة والمحاسبة، والذي يتمتع بسهولة تشغيل ومرونة عالية تلبي احتياجات مختلف المؤسسات التجارية والصناعية والخدمية والإنشائية في ضوء التغيرات المتسارعة التي تشهدها بيئة الأعمال في العالم.

لماذا جمشيد

لأن (جمشيد) يغطي جميع عناصر العمل التي تستدعيها أي مؤسسة حديثة كالمحاسبة، والذمم (دائن/ مدين)، والمستودعات، والرواتب، وشؤون الموظفين، ومراقبة الدوام، والأصول الثابتة، ونقاط البيع. لأن (جمشيد) يتيح للمستثمر استخدام التطبيقات التي تتناسب فقط مع حجم وطبيعة استثماره من مجمل التطبيقات التي يوفرها النظام الأمر الذي يسهم في تقليل الكلفة المادية. لأن (جمشيد) ثنائي اللغة (عربي/ انجليزي). لأن (جمشيد) متعدد العملات بحيث يمكن التعامل مع البيانات المدرجة وفق عدد غير محدد من العملات المختلفة.

why Jamsheed

About Us

COMSOFT Innovative Solutions for Your Modern Needs jamsheed.com_images_10.jpgIn the ninth century AH, the mathematician Jamsheed Bin Masoud Al-Kashi, also known as Ghiyath Al-Din, invented the decimal comma, completing what had been started earlier by Al-Khawarizmi who added the zero to the group of natural numbers. Those significant achievements contributed to the development of the science of mathematics, and hundreds of years later paved the road to the invention of calculators and computers, and the evolution of information and communication technology and the various images of modern civilization we encounter at present times. The establishment of COMSOFT Company in Amman in 1992 was the extension of such an eventful history and is embodied by the Company’s adherence since the beginning to giving the name “Jamsheed” to its series of modern computerized programs it specializes in developing, to become in record time one of the leading Jordanian companies in the field of digital solutions and information technology. This distinction enabled it to expand its activities to include Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Sudan and Morocco. One of the most significant accomplishments that COMSOFT takes pride in placing in its customers’ hands is Jamsheed Program for Accounting and Management. It is an integrated program designed specifically to allow ease of operation and high flexibility that meet the accounting and managerial needs of different commercial, industrial, service and constructional institutions, in light of the accelerating changes encountered in the business sector worldwide. This program includes specialized systems covering various aspects required by the nature of work in a newly founded institute such as accounting, debit and credit, inventory, salaries, human resources, office hours monitoring, fixed assets and points of sale. Moreover, COMSOFT provides its customers with Jamsheed Program for Mobility, which can be used individually or in connection with the Jamsheed Program for Accounting and Management. It is a program specialized in organizing the movement of cars, buses and other vehicles, and all other related matters including follow-up, coordination, maintenance and calculation of expenses, particularly in large establishments and institutions that use fuel dispensing coupons or internal dispensing vouchers. Recently, COMSOFT developed Jamsheed Program for School Management. It is one of the distinctive programs that systematize all academic, managerial and financial aspects of modern educational institutes through integrated systems that follow up on issues of students, teachers and staff, registration and admission procedures, grading, medical care and health insurance, library, website, tuition fees and students accounting, and automatic distribution of students and teachers on different classes, with ability of the program to function independently or in connection with Jamsheed Program for Accounting and Management, or Program for Mobility. All the above emphasizes COMSOFT’s adoption of the highest quality standards and comprehensive service through its commitment to offering its customers and program user the following benefits:

Jamsheed accounting System

Jamsheed Profile

Jamsheed Profile

Jamsheed Accounting System Jamsheed Profile Innovative Management and Modern Accounting The zero and the decimal comma; if it were not for them mathematics would not have been developed, calculators and computers would have never been invented and modern civilization would not have evolved!! The zero was added to the group of natural numbers by the great scientist Al-Khawarizmi. The decimal comma was created by the most significant mathematician in the ninth century AH Jamsheed Bin Masoud Al-Kashi, also known as Ghiyath Al-Din, who was described by some as the true inventor of the calculator. Being one of the leading companies in Jordan and the area in the field of digital solutions and information technology, and since its establishments in 1992, COMSOFT has perpetuated those remarkable achievements by giving the name “Jamsheed” to its series of modern computerized programs that the company is famous for developing, including mainly Jamsheed Program for Accounting and Management, which allows ease of operation and high flexibility, thus meeting the needs of different commercial, industrial, service and constructional institutions in light of the accelerating changes encountered in the business sector worldwide. Why Jamsheed?

Advanced solutions and Modern Accounting

Why Jamsheed Accounting and Management System?

Why Jamsheed Accounting and Management System?

Effective management and accurate accounting are considered the backbone of any successful investment in light of the fast-track developments in the business sector worldwide. Therefore, when designing the Jamsheed Accounting and Management System, we endeavored to provide the best solution and the ultimate answer to all your administrative and accounting needs. The system is characterized by its easy operability and high flexibility levels that meet the needs of the various commercial, industrial, service and construction entities.